Stepping out of your warm, little shell for the first time, looking at the mirror and seeing not just your reflection but a crowd standing all around you.....And YOU all set to make a place for yourself under the spotlight.
Some moments in life are a dream come true and in those moments your exhilaration is coupled with excitement, zest, energy and confidence.....a feeling of "Yes, This is It!" engulfs you. But what about those moments of " Oh my God! is this for real, I never even dreamt of this " . These are the moments when amidst the brouhaha, the cheers, the euphoria, you hear SILENCE......
Believe me, the silence has a sound to it, AND it reverberates. The world turns mute, the lips curving and curling into funny positions with not even a slight sound and all that your ears are receptive to is the reverberating sound of silence. The silence asks you, "Are u REALLY ready for IT?", the silence questions you. "Do u REALLY think this is IT" and the silence challenges you, " Do you want to take the leap? Do you HAVE IT in you?"
These are the moments when you close your eyes and look for the explanation within. You make your own First decision, you take your own First step, you accept your own First challenge AND you own your own First responsibility!
Do not be afraid of the sound of silence, Do not ignore to listen to it. The cacophony of words around you, both meaningful and meaningless, will eventually die down, the conversations you have will eventually fade into oblivion......But what remains is the silence around you, that silence which often talks to you, which often signals you to not just hear but also listen to it. Because all those FIRSTS that we choose to experience, all those FIRSTS that will define our seconds and thirds and so on, are not dictated by the spoken but by the unspoken that we unconsciously listen and react to.
Try it out! When about to take THAT FIRST STEP, just shut your eyes and listen. The silence beseeches to be heard. Listen to what it has to say. Because the silence has heard it all and now it's reverberating with the questions, the challenges, the solutions and directions that we have been looking for...........